
  Hey there!      Keep your head up. Who knows? Your next sigh could be your last breath.

server,     data center
Brynhildr          Crystal


             ✓ walk ups.                ✓ tells.                ✓ mature rp.

Mercenary, Former Garlean Conscript, Occasional Eye-Candy."Hey...sometime you gotta take one down with a blade and call it a day. But, when you're not on the battlefield, then one might have to simply kill someone with success and bury them with a smile."

©  carrd template by paletterph.


     Name       Ashe Sinclair    Aliases     The Warder    Age      107    Nameday      31st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon    Gender      Male     he/him    Language     Common, Dalmascan, Old Vieran,         Common sign, Garlean    Build       Lean muscle, built like a soldier

     orientation       bisexual    species      viera (rava)    birth place      Golmore jungle    residence      the black shroud    profession      mercenary    patron deity      none of the twelve    relationship status      Seeing                   someone

•    intelligence    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

•    wisdom    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

•    charisma    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

"It may seem like a constant losing battle, but it is important to remember that there are many victories within. A mercenary may look at the scars on their body and think they are failures, but they should look at them again and see how many battles they survived. A mercenary is one who can stand strong in the face of adversity, and that is something to be proud of.""But hey...that's just my thoughts about it. about we go out and get some drinks together?" 

•    dexterity    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

•    strength    ★★★★★★★★★☆

•    constitution    ★★★★★★★★☆☆

*    ▊▊   voice claim:    Yuichi Nakamura

The Soul.  

     The Personality     The Rava can have a bit of a fiery temper. There are many multifaceted aspects to this man, and one could wonder which one is the real one. A charming smile and a boisterous laugh, Ashe seems aloof and carefree about a lot of things. He could even be hostile at times depending on the type of individual he is interacting with.Don't let the nonchalant demeanor throw you off. While he does come off as offstandish, if one were to know him well, one might be able to see that the Viera is a man who cares rather deeply if they could just see past the front he puts up.

Ashe is a bit of a conundrum. He can be sociable and, at the same time, fine with being on his own.

& key items.

important items commonly found in their inventory. Though there is a lot more in the pack...just the more important things.

   Gunblade     While Ashe is proficient at using bows, polearms, or daggers due to his Warder training, he grew fond of Bozjan-made Gunblades. It was one of the many things that stuck with him after being conscripted into the Garlean army for so long.

     Bracelet     A bracelet that had been given to him by a friend. It is a symbol of two contracts he must keep his promise to fulfill. It would not be given back into his friend's possession until his favors are fulfilled.

     Auracite     Something that the Rava could channel or make more of. It isn't something that one could find easily on his person; one would have to look deep within his body in order to see the infusion of this particular stone within his body. One might wonder how that came to be.

     Survivor's Tools     Anyone who was born in the Golmore Jungle would know how best to be ready for survival. Flint, rope, hunting knife...Ashe would be ready for anything the wilderness throws at him.

The History.  

Born under the lush canopies of the Golmore Jungles, Ashe was raised as any other vieran male. His earliest years were spent with his mother and sisters, only ever leaving his village when he was of age and taken in by a mentor named Vrev. He was taught to hunt, survive, be more independent, and honor the Green Word. Unfortunately, memories of his gentle mother and doting sisters faded with time, as his new home was that of the trees and solitude. And try as Vrev might, the older man couldn't prevent his wayward apprentice from going off on his own before he was ready, only because Ashe was a wanderer at heart and occasionally loitered close to the edges of the jungle's border, observing passing caravans that stayed clear of his people's territory.Vrev accepted this, only requesting that the young rava return to his side from time to time...and purposely making his tracks hard to follow when the boy sought him out. It was a decisively lonely existence between being on his own and seeing his mentor. Lingering at the border of what he learned to be Dalmasca, he chose to follow a merchant's caravan on a whim...trailing from a distance until he reached the Royal city of Rabanastre. Awed by the city's grandeur, he tentatively attempted to learn about the people there. Hyur, Auri, beastmen...the diversity and heartiness of the people was something that had endeared themselves to him. And among the population were even those of his kind, the rava or veena not being strict followers of the Green Word and choosing to explore plentiful lands of Hydaelyn.And so, he worked and made himself a new home that didn't require isolation. With his skills as a hunter, it was easy to get jobs and slay beasts or escort traders and their wares. All seemed well until the Imperial occupation. War tore up the land, magitek razing the nation of Dalmasca. Many refugees, himself included, fled for the jungles. Many of those he traveled with were families, and having been born in the jungles, he did his best to watch those under his care. As he kept the people in hiding, he sought out Vrev, his old mentor less than happy to see him and outsiders within the jungles. No matter what the young rava advocated for the people, the older one clarified that those who weren't of the wood were not welcomed into their home. For weeks he tried in vain, the Imperials already advanced into Golmore. Torn between staying with the Dalmascans and going off deeper into the sanctuary of the woods, he ultimately chose to stay and stand their ground. Followers of the Green Word rose in the protection of the forests, yet neither did they side themselves with those fleeing the Empire.Battle Battles were fought and won; lives were lost. Ashe participated in the bloodshed and found camaraderie among the men and women of Rabanstre. Their resistance was snuffed out within the first month. Finding himself one of the many eventually captured, he was fortunate enough not to be killed but unfortunate that he (and so many others) were conscripted into the Imperial Army. Training had been suffering. Beaten and bloodied into obedience, many spirits broken under the harsh treatments and environments, all to be groomed to fight in the front lines. In those days, all that had mattered was survival. Pretend to be blindly obedient, kill when ordered, never let them see behind the mask. Unfortunately, Ashe was subjugated to the life of a conscript until the start of the war of succession in Garlemald. Biding his time, when the Empire began to fracture and splinter more, the opportunity to escape presented itself, and he took it. Abandoning his post as his Castrum was under siege by rebels who were encouraged to stand up against their oppressors, Ashe fled south and never looked back.

Recently, Ashe has been sticking to the Realm of Eorzea. In Thanalan he spends time around the some venues that open from time to time and does most of his mercenary work outside of Ul'dah or is within the borders of Gridania. From time to time, his work could take him to the Holy See of Ishgard or further north into Dravania.


    mbti      ENTJ-T    dnd      Neutral Good    likes      travel, hunting, drinking, smoking, tinkering with magitek    dislikes     Helplessness, garleans, voidsent, the green word, lack of                         Sour food    fears      Getting too close to another and loss of self

    hobbies      gambling, drinking, training, hunting, wood               carvings    skills      gunblades, gunplay, survival, magitek knowledge,       dancing, cooking

I'm the fight, I neither lose nor win, it's you.


    Pearl Lane      Sometime mercenary work has one head into pearl lane. At times, Ashe would be there prowling or keeping an eye for any of his marks who could be in the area.    Ishgard      One of his informants operates out of the Holy See. It wouldn't be uncommon to see him there, especially since he is getting close to one of the members of House Va'des.    Black Shroud     Being from the Golmore Jungle, Ashe enjoys living within heavily wooded areas. Nothing is more perfect in the Twelveswood. So one may come across the Rava deep within the forest.    Cirque du Freak      His only association is that he is familiar with Alastor V'ades and his closer relationship with the elusive Ringmaster's sibling. While Ashe isn't a member of the circus, he knows enough members that he has a tiny affiliation with it.    Affter Effect       A place that Alastor dragged him into working into. It's still knew and unknown to him, but as a mercenary, gil is gil and he isn't one to complain to find himself in good company.

    An Interesting Scent    

The smell of sage clings to the rava and the smell of a campfire's smoke. These days, Ashe wears a perfume that was specifically made for him by a close friend.The perfume holds saffron to cardamom, jumbled with cypress leaves, artemisia, and bergamot with a citrusy hint of grapefruit. The undertone carries rose, jasmine, nutmeg...and finally agarwood, virile leather, cedar, sandalwood, amber, tonka beans, vanilla, and musk.

    Small Features    

Ashe has a scar over his right eye. The rava also wears a collar around his neck to hide the scarring beneath.His body is covered in more scarring due to his years as a Garlean conscript and years as a Wood Warder.


Ashe's leporine ears are rather expressive. From wiggling to pinning back, the viera never does much to hide his emotions.


Ashe is a decent singer. He doesn't perform in front of others, yet sings to himself from time to time when out in the woods.Can even use a leaf to make music.


Ashe, unfortunately, has experienced a lot of trauma in his life. Sometimes he drowns it out by looking at the bottom of a bottle.These days, people do try and keep him from clearing a bar out and possibly giving himself some liver failure.


He has a Dalmascan accent and he can pull off a decent Garlean one when he tries. But he would rather not be reminded of his time in the Imperial Army.


    The Writer        *

Hello there!I'm a story-driven role-player; I like aiming for awesome RP like good friendships, ect. I like to enjoy sticking to the lore, but I'm not exactly super strict on it. Everyone can have liberties with their characters, myself included!For example, in the Relationships tab, thoughts, feelings, and actions that my character does don't reflect on me as an individual. I just have to ask you to keep in mind that the character must be separated from the writer. I am open to ships or pairings but like obtaining it through a story-driven plot. Ashe may or may not be receptive to any advances made to him. I would also like to add that I (the writer) am not looking for any OC relationships of the romantic variety. So, anything that happens between our characters is strictly in character.I'm always also open to discussing possible plot ideas! And I also really, REALLY, love talking about characters in general. One of my favorite things to do is character analysis and interactions. It can be super fun! Heck, I also just enjoy random meme'ing because it's fun and I do enjoy getting to know people. Another thing I'd like to add is open communication. That's also extremely important to me. Whether something is on your mind regarding the RP or anything like that, do let me know. It's just really important to talk to one another.

    Preferred Themes        *

Lore stuff! I love the lore of FFXIV. I can be flexible about it, like Voidsent, Kami, Primals, Soulstone/Job-related things, cities.Dark Themes/ Adult themes. (For this I would suggest OOC discussion first.)Light themes. (Sometimes you gotta break up the dark stuff with something comical.)Character Injuries and consequences. (IC actions got IC consequences!)I'm an adult. So I enjoy, and only RP, with other adults. 21+ and older. This also applies with IC too. That's non-negotiable.



    No List        *

Character death or extremem maiming. (Such things need to be discussed OOCly, since it's a major decision.)No strict ERP or just smut stories. I don't find it very fun. I like having stuff that is progressive for character development and it's just dull. I like the stories to have some meat to it. It's not that I'm opposed to ERP, but it has to make sense story wise for characters to sleep with one another.Things that are ethically wrong. Rape, underage, filth, or any other thing that is considered gross. I want no part of that, so stay away if that is something you're into.No Lalafells. Period. Not really open to Roe or Hrothgar relationships. However, I'm willing to have platonic interactions with them and friendships. Anything more is a pass from me.AU/Not Canon. I do love the lore of FFXIV, I like to stick to it as much as I am able, even if I'm not that strict about it. It's just not what I'm interested in.

    Additional Info        *

Sometimes you might see me in the open world or a random venue, feel free to approach!I also offer Gposes as well, so if you ever have any need of a screenshot, let me know and I'd be happy to offer my services!


    Mercenary Work    

›    Requirements:    Also in that similar line of work or you're looking to hire?.

Always looks for business. Whether it calls for him to hunt, do a bounty, or escort. Ashe is more or less always available for any job that may come his way.

    Thrill of Battle    

›    Requirements:    Perhaps one might come across this Rava in a fighting pit...

Ashe is a man who loves getting into the ring to get his hands dirty. To him, nothing can tell you more about a person than how they fight. It's a good way for him to get to know someone. Especially if its through sparring.

    Cirque du Freak    

›    Requirements:    Maybe someone visited it...

Ashe finds himself taking part in the circus from time to time, and it's become a bit of a permanent residence for him aside from his home in the Black Shroud. Between the enigmatic Ringmaster (that sociopath), his cat, and the weird ass dodo birds that Rathor keeps...all seems well.

    Alastor Va'des    

It's hard to know if he's a boss or not. While Ashe lives at the Circus, he isn't counted for one of Alastor's freaks. The relationship between him and the Ringmaster is...tense at most. If one were to ask Ashe what word they'd used to describe Alastor, he might say 'frenemies.'

relationship type       coworker, frenemy

    Luna Va'des    

The sister of Alastor, who has become a rather close friend. Ashe was hired on by the Ringmaster to guide her around due to not having the ability to see. The rava finds her to be a good genuine soul and at times, even finds her presence to be a comfort during the more troubling times of his life.At times, he worries that perhaps his presence might end up ruining the young woman. Yet...somehow he still ended up drawn to her as a tentative relationship blossoms.

relationship type           partner

    Geir Stjarnawesfv    

Geir the Geist...someone who Ashe had the pleasure of fighting against once in a fighting ring and a man who attempted to literally bite his ass. A bit of a chaotic viera, Ashe isn't quite sure what to make of him just yet. For now...he finds this particular individual to be most amusing and wouldn't mind fighting him again should the opportunity arises.

relationship type       Acquaintance

    Rathor Ironlight    

A Miqo'te who works at Alastor's circus. He seems like a genuinely good guy and Ashe is still very sorry that he broke his jaw that one time when it was just suppose to be a fun guy's night out. Shame that he'd never really get along with the guy's spouse since he hasn't been forgiven for that incident. And...the guy's flock of dodos seems to get along with his pet cat Tubby.

relationship type       friend

    [Name Redacted] - Former Spouse    

Ashe's former spouse of a year, the Rava split off from them after a mutual agreement that it may be for the best. While it might take him some time to mull over the divorce and perhaps take the idea of marriage into a newer perspective, the Viera finds himself to slowly but surely getting over it as time progresses.

relationship type       ex-spouse